Archives for OS4

Japanese Translate

Posted by ALB42 on 19. August 2023No Comments

When I created AmiTranslate I tried the multi byte languages as well (chinese, japanese, korean and others) but the PDF Export did not work and I didn’t understand why, so I left them out.

Today I noticed there is an option when saving the PDF in FreePascal which reduces the embedded font to a minimum to keep the file size down. It seems like it does that by removing such asian chars, so even you define a special asian font the output will just be empty.

The downsides it of course the PDF becomes huge, some megabytes, you can reduce that by let the font pack on PDF creation, but even in UAE it needs a long time, so I disabled that as well

AmiTranslate 0.2

Posted by ALB42 on 23. Juli 2023One Comment

I noticed some bugs in AmiTranslate and also got some suggestions how to improve the program. Firstly the scrollbars for the text edits did not work (where not connected to the actual textedit). The pdf did not care about returns or line wrap so a longer text are not readable. Now it cares about returns in the text and will also insert line wraps for longer texts.

A wish was to include a context menu for both edits to copy and paste text.

So it’s time for a new release 0.2, Download at the Programs Page

AmiTranslate with DeepL

Posted by ALB42 on 8. Juli 20237 Comments

Usually when I translate texts from one language to an other I use DeepL to do it, it makes better results than Google translate in the most cases (at least if german is the target language). It also has an API to use and the first 500.000 chars are free, so I created a little program for Amiga to use that API.

It’s stupidly named AmiTranslate I know very unimaginative but hey seems the name is not used already, so why not. Of course the program needs an Internet connection and SSL (OpenSSL3 on MorphOS; AmiSSL on all other systems) because it talks directly with the DeepL server (via https) and it needs the texteditor.mcc.

Of course for some of the languages there is the problem of showing the chars (e.g. russian) for that I included a PDF writing function and a plain UTF-8 Text output then you can use other programs to read the actual text. of course nicer would be to make a real TTF output maybe later.

I also removed some languages which does not work at all (even the PDF output, like japanese, korean and chinese)

If you have an own DeepL key you can add the ToolType „DEEPLKEY=<key>“ to the icon, then even my 500.000 chars are used you can still use your own, it’s free so why not.

Downloads at the programs Page

Text to Image AI

Posted by ALB42 on 27. Juni 20232 Comments

Of course it’s perfectly possible to use any text 2 image webpages like with AmiFox on Amiga. But of course a better way is to make a specialized app for it using hugging face with stable diffusion.

It also contains Magic prompt which can produce more sophisticated prompts or even a complete random prompt. Gives really nice pictures sometimes.

AmiFox AREXX and parameter

Posted by ALB42 on 15. April 2023No Comments

Introducing AREXX commands for AmiFox, so you can send a URL to AmiFox to view. If the Browser is idle it will directly start to load the new URL. If still loading another URL it will remember the URL and start it after the current one is finished loading, maybe later also stop the current task, atm its easier that way.

Wit this new AREXX command of course one can use an AREXX script but even better you can use programs like openurl to directly send urls to your favourite Web-browser… or AmiFox 😀

AmiFox 0.3

Posted by ALB42 on 27. März 20239 Comments

A new version of AmiFox is ready for release, I fixed some more bugs the last days. The 0.3 Version is a big step forward for usability of AmiFox. Most of these features I already introduced in the blog entries here so just a short recap.

  • Copy Text from selected webpage (AmiFox-Server 0.2+)
  • Copy Clipboard from Server (AmiFox-Server 0.2+)
  • IFF Format (AmiFox-Server 0.2+)
  • send longer texts to page (needs texteditor.mcc)
  • Mouse wheel support
  • Shift cursor up/down send as Page up/Down (AmiFox-Server 0.2+)
  • Error message when Datatype could not load image
  • send Youtube URLs to AmiTube
  • send Google Maps and OpenStreetmap positions to Mapparium
  • AROS Version atm i386 and 64bit ABIv11
  • Read URL at Mouse position
  • direct download of catched URL at mouse position
  • save Webpage Image
  • Copy/Paste URL

Downloads as always on the AmiFox Page or with the Update check inside AmiFox.

If you using an own AmiFox Server please note that you must update to the latest Version to get all the Features, The Current Version should have the Version Number „AmiFox-Server 0.3“ visible in the AmiFox about (after at least one page was loaded) or in the footer of the AmiFoxServer webpage, next to the WRP Version number.

AmiTube 1.4

Posted by ALB42 on 24. März 20233 Comments

A new release of AmiTube is ready. The biggest enhancement is the Search by ID window for easier handling of YouTube URLs.

A second improvement is the self made AREXX Port for AROS which make it possible to send URLs from AmiFox to AmiTube when you are on a Youtube Video page. (all other platforms had it before already)

  • Bugfix for Get Original Window when no entry is selected
  • Search by ID Window added for easier URL handling
  • Support for Youtube shorts (movies in portait format)
  • show the time left when downloading videos
  • AREXX port for AROS

Download as always on the AmiTube Page

AmiTube shorts

Posted by ALB42 on 9. März 2023No Comments

I worked a bit on AmiTube, I guess soon we can make a new release. For the next release I improved the handling of shorts and lists. Added a special window where one can paste a youtube URL into and it extracts the IDs from it.

A big problem with shorts is that they are saved in portrait mode means the height is much bigger than the width. until now I always only scaled by the width. I worked nicely for the small sizes, OCS and AGA but failed spectacular for AGA+. So now I read out the sizes from the move and scale differently when there is a portrait video. On that I notice that the agablaster has a curious restriction, the CDXL movie must be at least 128 pixels wide. is that a general restriction in CDXL or just for agablaster? I’m not sure.

Also the VCD-MPEG1 showed some strange effects because it tried to scale it, resulting in fat faces, no I added a padding.

Sorry, I forgot to record the sound.

Look forward to the next AmiTube Version

LazSokoban, LCL improvements

Posted by ALB42 on 11. Dezember 2022No Comments

There was a miracle happened… I improved the LCL a bit after a long long time, investigated some unusual behavior at MorphOS with LazSokoban, especially because it was slower as expected. I found the culprit and recompiled the MorphOS binary, so have fun testing it.

Also, I did compile for OS4 but I did not not try it, seems I should have because the EXE does not work, at all, also no error message or so, I’m not sure what goes wrong there. It seems it happens when I try to compile a program from Lazarus for OS4 that the program does not work, but when I compile it in the command line it seems work. Interestingly the command line one is much bigger (for LazSokoban it’s double size) so that should be the reason, but I’m not sure whats the culprit. Needs investigation.

Someone asked if EdiSyn could be compiled for AmigaOS4 and yes I tried to compile it but the Executable crashes. I also tried to compile EdiSyn to compile for AmigaOS3 68k and on my new PiStorm Emu68 it works, but I would say it’s still a bit to slow to really use it.. the LCL is too thick of a layer for 68k