AROS Debug View
A debug message viewer for AROS i386 and AROS m68k.
(Replacement for sashimi, never use both programs at the same time)
- Show process name and CLI number
- Shows time the first char of the message arrived
- Output can be filtered by process name (also afterwards)
- Output can be sent to an Linux or Windows computer, via UDP
- Linux and Windows slaves can recieve show, reroute to syslog or write to file.
- AROS i386 Debug View + slaves for Linux 64bit and Windows
- AROS m68k Debug View + slaves for Linux 64bit and Windows
- must be an IP address x.x.x.x or a a fully qualified DNS name (of course IP address is much faster, so should be prefered)
- also possible: (see screenshot), which makes a broadcast in the current network segment (until next router)
- if a broadcast is done, all slaves in this network segment will show the message
- it uses an UDP connection on port 2031 for communication
If the programs with heavy debugoutput become slower and slower:
- Try to deactivate the auto scroll feature, it eats lots of processing time
- if still too slow activate an empty filter (no messages shown)
- Reroute the output to a linux or windows computer or remove the filter after the program run to see the messages