A long time before when I was working on the LCL for AROS I tested out some 3rd Party LCL application code to compile for AROS with the newly created LCL. It worked quite nicely. On of them was LazSokoban a Sokoban clone written by a russian guy which worked nicely on AROS.
Some Texts in the GUI where in russian and I translated them to english for the AROS release, some I had forgotten or mistyped a bit. Now I got a request to fix that problem, first there was the big problem to find such and old source code, but luckily it’s included in the archive I published (it’s GPL2, so I had to đ ) but I also found in on my Harddisk in the backup.
The changes where not to difficult to make, but the curious thing was if it would still work with the latest LCL. One thing I remember that I need to add the AThreads unit (like Linux CThreads) to make any LCL application work, back in the days that was not needed. And it still works, I checked out the original source and I noticed that they added some kind of skin system (different graphics for the tiles) and also supplied some which looks much nicer than the original one. So I added that as well the the AROS system, it will be available on the next Version of AROS One or here on my page of course.

The other thing that changed since then, we can now compile for MorphOS and OS4 as well (and for Amiga68k, but it will be much to slow for that, I tried) and it also seems to work, not everything, the Buttons images are missing but as far as the game goes not too bad. So I created a Version for all 3 Platforms, AROS, MorphOS and AmigaOS4
Have Fun.
Thank tou for you effort
MorphOS ID 3.17 (22.4.2022)
saved: 2022 12 06 00:53
83.485| createDDCmodes: Video input: Analog signal
569.550| >>> Exception 3
569.550| ———————————————————————-
569.550| Quark Thread TID 0000000010020010 Name ABox
569.550| SRR0 0x1c53c1e0 SRR1 0x0200f030
569.550| LR 0x1c551a48 CTR 0x1010f4c4
569.550| CR 0x48002244 XER 0x20000000
569.550| GPR[00] 1c54edec 1b79a880 1b665180 00204f6a 1010fdac 1010f4c4 ffffffff 0000000c
569.550| GPR[08] 1439fa10 1400188a 00000006 140019b0 28002244 00000000 06cdb6c3 00000000
569.550| GPR[16] 00000001 00000000 1b4ad224 1b4ac224 1b4ad220 06d2b089 1b4ad220 00001000
569.550| GPR[24] 1b75b240 14d63d9c 140019b0 1b79b230 00000000 1b65d274 1b665270 1b664870
569.550| FPSCR 82028090
569.550| FPR[00] 0000000000000000 fcfdfedfe0e1e2e3 e4e5e6e7e8e9eaeb ecedeeeff0f1f2f3
569.550| FPR[04] 4050000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 3ff0000000000000
569.550| FPR[08] 3ff0000000000000 3fe4000000000000 404cc00000000000 4050000000000000
569.550| FPR[12] 404c200000000000 3ff2c977994e59a7 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.551| FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.551| FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.551| FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.551| FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.551| VSAVE 00000000 VSCR 00010000
569.551| VPR[00] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[02] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[04] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[10] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[12] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[14] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[16] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[18] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.551| VPR[24] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.552| VPR[26] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.552| VPR[28] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.552| VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.552| IABR 00000000
569.552| DABR 00000000
569.552| MMCR0 00000000
569.552| MMCR1 00000000
569.552| MMCR2 00000000
569.552| PMC1 00000000 PMC2 00000000 PMC3 00000000 PMC4 00000000
569.552| SIA 00000000
569.552| SDA 00000000
569.552| >>> Quark Thread Stack History
569.552| ———————————————————————-
569.552| StackFrame[ 0].LR[0x1c54edec] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00013234]
569.552| StackFrame[ 1].LR[0x1c54f054] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x0001349c]
569.552| StackFrame[ 2].LR[0x1c587eb4] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x0004c2fc]
569.552| StackFrame[ 3].LR[0x1c58828c] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x0004c6d4]
569.552| StackFrame[ 4].LR[0x1c70c308] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x001d0750]
569.552| StackFrame[ 5].LR[0x1c6804b8] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00144900]
569.552| StackFrame[ 6].LR[0x1c56f628] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00033a70]
569.552| StackFrame[ 7].LR[0x1c53bdc0] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00000208]
569.552| StackFrame[ 8].LR[0x1c53bd74] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x000001bc]
569.552| StackFrame[ 9].LR[0x1010fdac] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0000fdac Function NewPPCStackSwap]
569.553| >>> ABox State
569.553| ———————————————————————-
569.553| ExecBase: SysBase 0x140019b0
569.553| SysFlags 0x8000 AttnResched 0x0000 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
569.553| ThisTask 0x1b4ac140 TaskReady 0x1410dba0 TaskWait 0x14023978
569.553| ResModules 0x140041e0
569.553| TaskTrapCode 0x10122108 TaskExceptCode 0x10122110 TaskExitCode 0x1012216c
569.553| TaskSigAlloc 0xf1ff TaskTrapAlloc 0x8000
569.553| IdleCount 167649 DispCount 746744
569.553| Quantum 4 Elapsed 3
569.553| VBlankFrequency 50 PowerSupplyFrequency 50 EClockFrequency 709379
569.553| MainTID 0x10020010 SchedulerTID 0x10020012 SchedulerSig 0x80000000
569.553| OldSRR0 0x0
569.553| ConfigServerTID 0x10000013
569.553| LastIntObject 0x1410bb4c
569.553| LastIntObject 0x1410bb4c
569.553| Code 0x1048b3c4 Data 0x1407d4a8
569.553| Int0: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.553| Int1: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.553| Int2: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.553| Int3: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c38 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.553| Int4: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c58 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.553| Int5: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c48 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.553| Interrupt 0x1402de3e
569.553| Code 0x10195f68 Data 0x1402ddf4
569.553| Interrupt 0x14fc5950
569.554| Code 0x14fc2a98 Data 0x00000000
569.554| Int6: iv_Code 0x10195f70 iv_Data 0x1402ddf4 iv_Node 0x1402de6a
569.554| Int7: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.554| Int8: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.554| Int9: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.554| Int10: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.554| Int11: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.554| Int12: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.554| Int13: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c68 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.554| Int14: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.554| Int15: iv_Code 0x10127794 iv_Data 0x14003c78 iv_Node 0x00000000
569.554| >>> Running Task
569.554| ———————————————————————-
569.554| Task 0x1b4ac140 Name 0x1b4ad224 Type 13 Pri 0
569.554| Flags 0x8 State 2 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
569.554| SigAlloc 0x8000f1ff SigWait 0x00000100 SigRecvd 0x00000100 SigExcept 0x00000000
569.554| ExceptCode 0x10122110 ExceptData 0x00000000 TrapCode 0x10122108 TrapData 0x00000000
569.554| Switch 0x00000000 Launch 0x00000000 UserData 0x1c7715c0
569.554| SPLower 0x1b64a7fc SPUpper 0x1b64b7fc SPReg 0x1b64b794
569.554| ———————————————————————-
569.554| ETask 0x14d63d9c
569.554| MemPool 0x1c12af30 PPCLibData 0x00000000
569.554| PPCSPLower 0x1b75b240 PPCSPUpper 0x1b79b240
569.555| PPCTrapMsgPort 0x00000000 PPCTrapMessage 0x1b3f351c
569.555| PPCRegFrame 0x1b664d90
569.555| Private[] 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
569.555| EmulHandle 0x00000000
569.555| ———————————————————————-
569.555| EmulHandle 0x1b665180 Type 0x00000004 Flags 0x00000001
569.555| SuperHandle 0x10001000 Type 0x00000000 WaitMask 0x00000000 SyncMask 0x00000000
569.555| USP 0x00000000 SSP 0x14003898 VBR 0x14003d78
569.555| SFC 0x00000000 DFC 0x00000000 CACR 0xa0808000 TC 0x00000000
569.555| ITT0 0x00000000 ITT1 0x00000000 DTT0 0x00000000 DTT1 0x00000000
569.555| URP 0x00000000 SRP 0x00000000 BUSCR 0x00000000 PCR 0x04310501
569.555| >>> Task Registers Frame
569.555| ———————————————————————-
569.555| SRR0 0x1c53c1e0 SRR1 0x0200f030
569.555| LR 0x1c551a48 CTR 0x1010f4c4
569.555| CR 0x48002244 XER 0x20000000
569.555| GPR[00] 1c54edec 1b79a880 1b665180 00204f6a 1010fdac 1010f4c4 ffffffff 0000000c
569.555| GPR[08] 1439fa10 1400188a 00000006 140019b0 28002244 00000000 06cdb6c3 00000000
569.555| GPR[16] 00000001 00000000 1b4ad224 1b4ac224 1b4ad220 06d2b089 1b4ad220 00001000
569.555| GPR[24] 1b75b240 14d63d9c 140019b0 1b79b230 00000000 1b65d274 1b665270 1b664870
569.555| FPSCR 82028090
569.555| FPR[00] 0000000000000000 fcfdfedfe0e1e2e3 e4e5e6e7e8e9eaeb ecedeeeff0f1f2f3
569.555| FPR[04] 4050000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 3ff0000000000000
569.555| FPR[08] 3ff0000000000000 3fe4000000000000 404cc00000000000 4050000000000000
569.556| FPR[12] 404c200000000000 3ff2c977994e59a7 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.556| FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.556| FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.556| FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.556| FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.556| VSAVE 00000000 VSCR 00010000
569.556| VPR[00] 35363935353400080000000178300000 008933ef000000001a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b
569.556| VPR[02] 008933ef1d1d1d1d0000000100000000 1c1c1c1c000000200000000100000000
569.556| VPR[04] 1c1c1c1c0000002d000000011ae68ab2 1000d990000403cc000000001ae68ab2
569.556| VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000a00894460 008933f8433000004081cc6eba70732c
569.556| VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.556| VPR[10] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000001000d8d81f1f1f1f
569.556| VPR[12] 1000d970ffffffff1000d9f00000000a 1000d9801000d9981e1e1e1e0000000a
569.556| VPR[14] 1000d990000117001000d8f800000000 1000d9c000040504000000011ae68ab2
569.556| VPR[16] 181818180000000043300000007f2815 1000d9c0000000001e1e1e1e00000000
569.556| VPR[18] 1000d9d000040570000000001000dad0 1000da50000415f00000000178300000
569.556| VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 30003000336337380000000000000000
569.556| VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 1135adcc000000000000000000000000
569.557| VPR[24] 11359078000000001a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b 1c1c1c1c1d1d1d1d1a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b
569.557| VPR[26] 1c1c1c1c1d1d1d1d1e1e1e1e1f1f1f1f 1000daf0000401f40000000000000000
569.557| VPR[28] 0000000100b9c0080000000a00001a47 11359a5700b9da8a0000000000000000
569.557| VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
569.557| >>> Task Stack History
569.557| ———————————————————————-
569.557| SRR0[0x1c53c1e0] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00000628]
569.557| LR[0x1c551a48] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00015e90]
569.557| CTR[0x1010f4c4] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0000f4c4 Function FindTask]
569.557| StackFrame[ 0].LR[0x1c54edec] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00013234]
569.557| StackFrame[ 1].LR[0x1c54f054] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x0001349c]
569.557| StackFrame[ 2].LR[0x1c587eb4] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x0004c2fc]
569.557| StackFrame[ 3].LR[0x1c58828c] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x0004c6d4]
569.557| StackFrame[ 4].LR[0x1c70c308] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x001d0750]
569.557| StackFrame[ 5].LR[0x1c6804b8] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00144900]
569.557| StackFrame[ 6].LR[0x1c56f628] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00033a70]
569.557| StackFrame[ 7].LR[0x1c53bdc0] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x00000208]
569.557| StackFrame[ 8].LR[0x1c53bd74] -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x000001bc]
569.558| StackFrame[ 9].LR[0x1010fdac] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0000fdac Function NewPPCStackSwap]
569.558| Stack: 0x1b79a880
569.558| 0x1b79a860[-0x20] 1b79a880 00000040 1c7819f0 1b664870
569.558| 0x1b79a870[-0x10] 00000018 1b65d274 1b665270 1b664870
569.558| 0x1b79a880[0x000] 1b79a8a0 1c559c58 00000000 00000000
569.558| 0x1b79a890[0x010] 1b79a8d8 1b79a8dc 00204f6a 1010fdac
569.558| 0x1c559c58 -> Ram Disk:LazSokoban/sokoban [Hunk 1 Offset 0x0001e0a0]
569.558| 0x1010fdac -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0000fdac Function NewPPCStackSwap]
569.558| >>> Full PPC mode: Last saved 68k context
569.558| ———————————————————————-
569.558| PC 87654321 SR 0008
569.558| Dn[0] 00000007 1b79a6d5 000000ff 06dd39b9 06dd3969 140019b0 1b64b7f0 00000000
569.558| An[0] 1b31e1e5 00000000 19814c78 00000000 102d82a4 06cdb6c3 140019b0 1b64b7f4
569.558| Stack: 0x1b64b7f4
569.558| 0x1b64b7d4[-0x20] 00000000 1b64b7d0 00000000 1b64b7b0
569.558| 0x1b64b7e4[-0x10] 0000003b 14000034 14000034 11362610
569.558| 0x1b64b7f4[0x000] 00001000 1b4ad220 8042d4b2 1b64a7e0
569.558| 0x1b64b804[0x010] 00000211 14000034 14000034 80429371
569.558| 0x1b64b814[0x020] 49893131 00000000 00000000 1b64b7b0
569.558| 0x1b64b824[0x030] 000001a3 1b64a5f8 1b74e6e0 00000194
569.558| 0x1b64b834[0x040] 1b36d990 1b74e640 1b36d948 1b74e578
569.558| 0x1b64b844[0x050] 1b74e5b8 1b74e5f8 00000000 00000000
569.558| 0x1b64b854[0x060] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
569.559| 0x1b64b864[0x070] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
569.559| >>> Last saved PPCThread State
569.559| ———————————————————————-
569.559| SRR0 0x10120e14 SRR1 0x0200f030
569.559| LR 0x1010f484 CTR 0x1011752c
569.559| CR 0x82002882 XER 0x20000000
569.559| GPR[00] 00000000 1b79a550 1b665180 ffffff7c 14022aac 1011752c ffffffff 00000000
569.559| GPR[08] 1439fa10 11008d3c 00000000 140019b0 88002248 00000000 06cdb6c3 00000000
569.559| GPR[16] 00000001 00000000 1b4ad224 00000000 00000078 00000000 1b4ac140 00000000
569.559| GPR[24] 1b64b7f0 00000000 14022aac 06dd3969 00000005 14562f48 14562fa4 140019b0
569.559| FPSCR 82028090
569.559| FPR[00] f4f5f6d7f8f9fafb fcfdfedfe0e1e2e3 e4e5e6e7e8e9eaeb ecedeeeff0f1f2f3
569.559| FPR[04] 4050000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 3ff0000000000000
569.559| FPR[08] 3ff0000000000000 3fe4000000000000 404cc00000000000 4050000000000000
569.559| FPR[12] 404c200000000000 3ff2c977994e59a7 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.559| FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.559| FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.559| FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.559| FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
569.560| VSAVE 00000000 VSCR 00010000
569.560| VPR[00] 05060708090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314 9337c841336614cf963e9f6c017fe1a7
569.560| VPR[02] 591f4d5e3990d9a0e7f6f36cd68ee94b d937871757bf39f762de7285c1e90279
569.560| VPR[04] 05caf5daddc2c7b99e1a22bf22f4c7b3 c2c7b99e1a22bf22f4c7b39337c84133
569.560| VPR[06] a239d2e1501c2b5287dd39303c42fbd2 17dde1387bd270378e586f05caf5dadd
569.560| VPR[08] 100f0e0d0c0b0a090807060504030201 01010101010101010101010101010101
569.560| VPR[10] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000010
569.560| VPR[12] 00000000000000000000000000000000 0f0e0d0c13121110171615141b1a1918
569.560| VPR[14] 1000fe200001df9800f9c07800f9c020 1000fe400001df9800fe5ef010000013
569.560| VPR[16] 000000000000000000ff803000ff8030 1000fe500001c6e800ff803000ff9010
569.560| VPR[18] 1000fe600001cc440000000000ff9010 1000ff5000021ed00000000000000000
569.560| VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 1000feb0000000000000000017171717
569.560| VPR[22] 1000fea000000000000000bf00f9c020 1000fef00001df98000000bf00000001
569.560| VPR[24] 1000fed0111111111212121213131313 1000fed0151515151616161617171717
569.560| VPR[26] 1000fef00001df9800f9c07800f9c020 1000fef000ff8e9000f9c00000ff8000
569.560| VPR[28] 1000ff100001df980000000010000013 00ff8f400000000000ff8e9800fe5ef0
569.560| VPR[30] 1000ff200001c63000ff8e9800fe5ef0 1000ff300001ca4c2002000100fe5ef0
569.560| SRR0[0x10120e14] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x00020e14]
569.560| LR[0x1010f484] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0000f484 Function Reschedule]
569.561| CTR[0x1011752c] -> exec_of_604e.elf [Hunk 0 Offset 0x0001752c Function ObtainSemaphoreShared]
569.561| ———————————————————————-
569.561| SegList 0x06cdc11a GlobVec 0x14022bc4
569.561| StackBase 0x06d929ff StackSize 0x00001000
569.561| TaskNum 0x00000002 Result2 0x00000000
569.561| CurrentDir 0x06d929b9 CIS 0x06cfdecf
569.561| COS 0x06cfdd83 CES 0x06dabb77
569.561| ConsoleTask 0x1b3f5be0 FileSystemTask 0x143b485c
569.561| CLI 0x06cfcdfd ReturnAddr 0x1b64b7f4
569.561| PktWait 0x00000000 WindowPtr 0x00000000
569.561| HomeDir 0x06d929e9 Flags 0x00000044
569.561| ExitCode 0x00000000 ExitData 0x00000000
569.561| Arguments 0x1b8674bc ShellPrivate 0x00000000
569.561| CmdName:
569.561| >>> End of Exception State Dump
569.561| ———————————————————————-
when this happen? when starting up, I can make you one version with debug symbols included which hopefully then are visible in the stacktrace, without it’s nearly impossible to find out why it crashes, Exception 3 is also not really useful, at least for me.
(For me it works, so difficult for me to debug)