Archives for LCL

Uh, there is the way

Posted by ALB42 on 22. Mai 2016One Comment

Implemented GPX reading and writing, really very easy. Tested with some of my cycle routes (I cuted the start away for the screenshot). It also saves the waypoints and tracks into a default.gpx to load at next start, its the easiest way to start. At the moment I draw a little rectangle at every track point and connect them with a line. Sadly it seems to be not possible to draw a thick line with the standard methods, the PenWidth and PenHeight in RastPort are ignored. so I guess this point approach works best for recorded tracks. For planed routes with little points its hard to see. Maybe I write an own line drawing routine, with Bresenham it should be possible to make.

OpenStreetMap with Waypoints and Tracks

OpenStreetMap with Waypoints and Tracks


Besides I increased the speed dramatically on drawing, on Amiga 68k its much faster now, even usable and resizing on MorphOS with less problems and much faster, it does not recalculate the complete image on every resize step, but only draws the image.

Where are others

Posted by ALB42 on 20. Mai 2016No Comments

More work on the OpenStreetMap viewer for Amiga systems. If a Tile is needed it will be set to a Queue and an extra thread checks the Queue tries to load the file from the hard disk, if it does not exist there it loads it from internet. The image shows a special replacement image as long the image is loaded. Of course if you browse around soon the number of tiles become huge. At a time you need to clean the tiles from memory. I introduced a maximum tile number to hold in memory (currently 1000). At every tile the time of last use is noted. The list is sorted and the oldest are removed (oldest means longest time not used).
It works already very nice, I added a little statistic window to see, when tiles are loaded from HD or from Net. Later I will introduce a prefs window to configure the number of tiles to keep in memory especially for Amiga 68k would be important to reduce the value. 1000 tiles needs around 150 MiB. Also the cache on hard disk could be inspected and deleted then. I checked my cache folder, which stores the tile files since I started this work, there are 8400 files inside with a complete size of 150 MB, so its not so urgent to clean it. OpenStreetMap suggests to keep the cache images for at least 7 days or check the status online. I do not plan to edit, so for me it’s not so important to have the very last map updates.
The next step to become more useful I added a search function, already work very nicely, only had some problems with german umlauts (äüö) and other standard characters (é,è,Î and so on). The Input from the Edit needs to be converted to UTF8 using AnsiToUTF8(). Maybe I should do that already indide the LCL code (like I make UTF8ToAnsi when drawing text to screen, thats the reason the copyright sign work).

AmOSM with Search function

AmOSM with Search function

The further work will include waypoints and tracks/routes with import and export of GPX data, usual format of GPS devices (mine also) and maybe KMZ the Google Earth format. In principle it would be nice to also read GPS data from a real GPS device, which is connected via serial cable with computer. I’m wondering how to use serial connection in AROS, if even possible, maybe even with an USB to serial adapter, most computers does not have serial connectors anymore.

Virtual Lazarus v2

Posted by ALB42 on 16. Mai 2016No Comments

New Version for the Virtual Lazarus crosscompiler, some crashes with mouse events (OnClick, OnMove, OnEnter, OnLeave), Redrawing and resizing problems and of course the biggest change adding support AmigaOS4 (PowerPC). I removed some not needed files and installations, so the download is much smaller this time.
Changes in short:

  • FIX: Redraw problems on AmigaOS3
  • FIX: Size problems
  • FIX: Mouse event crashes
  • ADD: Support for AmigaOS4
  • CHG: Striped image from unneeded things, reduced download size


Download the new Virtual Lazarus crosscompile setup (1.2 Gb)


I am thinking how to make an online updater, in principle not so difficult with a script, svn update from repository, recompile/install all compilers/crosscompilers, update lazarus repository, recompile and install lazarus, done.

AmigaOS 4 Free Pascal Release

Posted by ALB42 on 8. Mai 2016One Comment

I created a Release for the Free Pascal Compiler including RTL, Packages and a pre-alpha version of the Lazarus component Library.
For me the AmigaOS 4 implementation is considered as „done“. I will take care only that changes in FPC does not break the OS4 port and also the LCL changes not break OS4 compilation.
Download the Release Version at the FPC AmigaOS 4 Page.

I also uploaded the current archive to where it should be soon available for public use.

You can almost see me

Posted by ALB42 on 7. Mai 2016No Comments

As promised, I cared about drawing with alpha channel on m68k Amiga. Little bit background. When I make a StretchDraw() the raw data is scaled directly in pascal (to keep the alpha channel) via a nearest neighbor routine. And exactly there I need to touch every pixel to scale it, of course a good position to also care about the alpha channel. For speed optimization the special cases 0 and 255 alpha channel are handled separately. And its not so slow as I thought, so I let it inside.

Amiga m68k with alpha channel drawing (left) and as comparison on AmigaOS4 (right)

Amiga m68k with alpha channel drawing (left) and as comparison on AmigaOS4 (right)

Besides this I worked more on size calculations especially on MorphOS, still not completely sure how it should be. An additional problem appeared in the OS4 LCL. The size calculation as done before crashes, because it reads the Width/Height from the the MUI object which seems to be forbidden inside the Layout. If think about it’s not very surprising because the layout is called before the window is opened and to get the right size the Layout must be done. So I had to rewrite the section with AROS in mind of course. Seems it works now (again? I hope). With this changes the EdiSyn now also work on OS4.
EdiSyn on AmigaOS4

EdiSyn on AmigaOS4

Amiga family photo

Posted by ALB42 on 6. Mai 2016No Comments

Working on the image drawing in LCL, not only for OS4 but for all, the problem is that it needs (semi-)transparent drawing. I started with Picasso96 for OS4 but it seems it still has no Alpha channel support. But luckily it also supports the cybergraphics compatible layer with the alpha channel support. So I changed everything in LCL back to cybergraphics, which is even much better, because now it’s the same for all platforms.
On this occasion the problem on MorphOS came to light. I always had the problem that at MorphOS the images are not shown. I thought it is a problem with resources but now it became clear, it’s the drawing the globalalpha value was too small.
Sadly the cybergraphics on classic AmigaOS does not support this Alphachannel, thats the reason the image has the black border in the screenshot. Maybe one could try to make a simple Alpha (0/1) by hand, which will be very slow I guess.
Besides I found a big Event problem. Got this as bug report already, it was just a not initialized variable. A little bit more testing and I will make a release and also create a Virtual Lazarus again with all 4 platforms :-).

Image LCL drawing on MorphOS (upper left), AmigaOS3.9 (upper right), AROS (lower left), AmigaOS4 (lower right)

Image LCL drawing on MorphOS (upper left), AmigaOS3.9 (upper right), AROS (lower left), AmigaOS4 (lower right)

AmigaOS4 and Lazarus component library (LCL)

Posted by ALB42 on 2. Mai 2016No Comments

I hacked some more library units for AmigaOS needed for the LCL. and finally at least it compiled, I had to deactivate als CyberGraphics things, at least I did not find the corresponding things in the official SDK, so many graphic things are missing.
The biggest problems in the LCL came from my special code for Amiga m68k and (again) different behavior of MUI on AmigaOS4 which resulted in crashes on totally valid Values.

Nevertheless the first LCL program works on a AmigaOS 4 computer.


Virtual Lazarus FAQ

Posted by ALB42 on 21. April 2016No Comments

Some questions to this virtual machine arrived so I started to write a FAQ for the Virtual Lazarus bundle I created. Also made a separate page for this product. There is not much of a response until now… lets hope for later.

Questions and Answers

Q: How to change the default keymap?

A: Open xterm and type „setxkbmap us“, replace the us (= american layout) by your favourite keyboard layout (de, us, fr, ….). To make it permanent for every boot, edit /home/test/.profile and add the setxkbmap call to end of the file.


Q: How did you transfer the compiled programs to the target computer?

A: I used the VMware shared folder on the host computer and used samba to access from MorphOS the program. Amiga/UAE and AROS can directly access the files on the harddisk but with dedicated computers of course samba would also work.


Q: The AROS compilation seems to be different from the previous AROS release?

A: Yes, the LCL diverted fro AROS on the one side and Amiga/MorphOS on the other side. this is the first try to join them, but its not on par currently. (For example Groupboxes does not work in this version also speedbuttons look weird and so on) So if you experience problems just compile your program at AROS again, or wait for bugfixes 😉


Q: How to compile for Amiga/AROS/MorphOS?

A: You can set by hand in Project Options. But I suggest you use my prepared config file as shown in the video. Open „Menu – Project -Project Options“ press import (button on the lower edge) choose the „/home/test/AllAmigaPlatforms.xml“. Now you have build settings for all four platforms.


Q: Synedit (or other package) is missing in the component icon list?

A: Make sure this package is already supported for Amiga style systems (SynEdit is 😉 ) and go to Package – Install/Uninstall Packages and choose to install. Lazarus have to compile again after installing/uninstalling an package.


Q: Are there examples/How to know which components are availabel for our systems?

A: Examples are available at GitHub. If you want to download directly to this virtual machine just open a xterm and type „git clone“. you will find a directory named fpc-tests in your home directory with a sub directory LCL, where you can find many test code examples to use, and test which elements are working, or not.


Q: I added a TMemo to my program now it does crash on MorphOS an/or Amiga. Whats wrong?

A: TMemo uses the Texteditor.mcc class as MUI implementation. Sorry I didn’t added a error handling for such case currently, because at AROS it’s installed by default.