MCAmiga 0.6
Got a lot of bug reports and wishes for MCAmiga, so I created a new Version 0.6. The main changes are:
- fixed word wrap and missing last char in viewer
- bottom menu line (like the original)
- Full screen (= own screen) via tooltype
- Scroll help text if needed
- catch exception when calling external programs
- unpack archive via tool menu entry
- 68000er Version included

MCAmiga 0.6Download as always on the programs page: MCAmiga 0.6
Cool.. works fine on my amigaos4 computer !
For next release can you add a gadget to iconify the application ?
hmm difficult, I’m not even sure how to iconify a „non-MUI“ application
Great software indeed
Just one thing which doesn’t work for me unless there is something I do wrong. I can’t seem to be able to find (if they are created) any lha and lzx files I create through MCAmiga. The steps I take are the following:
1) select files I want to lha
2) F2 for the tools menu
3) 2 or 3 to lha or lzx my files
4) requester comes up and I give the name I want for the file which will be created
5) it shows a window with the progress of the task is doing
After that and when the progress finishes the lha or lzx file is nowhere to be found neither on the destination on the other window or anywhere else
Any ideas?
which type of Amiga, OS? version of lha/lzx?
I have with best WB combined with 3.9. I use lha 2.15 and lzx don’t remember version. In dopus all work great.
In MCAmiga extracting works great and even browsing an lha or lzx without extracting it is ok. Only creating lha and lzx doesn’t seem to generate the file
I use lha 2,2 and lzx 1.21 in AmigaOS3.9
when it packs a file it uses the call:
for example pack file dh1:file and dh1:dir to the archive ram:test1.lha
cd dh1:
lha -r -x1 a „ram:test1.lha“ „file“
lha -r -x1 a „ram:test1.lha“ „dh1:dir/#?“
you could try them from shell, maybe the lha version doesn’t know -x1 or -r?
Hi ALB42 and thanks for the reply. In Dopus I call it with LHA -x a …..
Where did you find the 2.2 lha version ? I can only find the 2.15. My lzh version is 1,21 as well so ok.
It is probably a command version issue cause it doesn’t work in both my systems with 3.1.4 and 3.9..
strange, I installed the 2.15 from aminet, and it also seems to work without problems
hmm ok I also have a 3.1.4 computer, I will try that. No also seems to work on 3.1.4 (Amiga 1200 68030/50) did you try to start that command line by hand: if you get any error message and the archive will be created?
cd sys:
c:lha -r -x1 a „ram:test.lha“ „Classes/#?“
You give the WINDOW_IconifyGadget tag to window.class when opening the window.
See the OS3.9 NDK for the autodocs.
This method should works on both OS3 and OS4
Other docs here:
this is not a window.class, it’s just a ordinary window 😉
I am sure that ALB (or any other developer for that matter) knows how to add an iconification gadget to their window(s).
You should ask yourself the question why the great people that created the OS you are running decided not to add such icon (by default) to a shell window (none of the Amiga OS targets seems to do so)
Because, in case you did not already realise, MCAmiga is just a simple shell/cli tool 🙂