Introducing AREXX commands for AmiFox, so you can send a URL to AmiFox to view. If the Browser is idle it will directly start to load the new URL. If still loading another URL it will remember the URL and start it after the current one is finished loading, maybe later also stop the current task, atm its easier that way.
Wit this new AREXX command of course one can use an AREXX script but even better you can use programs like openurl to directly send urls to your favourite Web-browser… or AmiFox đ
To check if the releases of AmiFox Server work I tried that on a RasPi, fresh install, the only thing you need to install is the Chromium-browser and start the WRP. sudo apt install chromium-browser wget chmod a+x wrp-arm-linux ./wrp-arm-linux
The AmiFox Server can already be used via docker container with everything you need installed, but this works atm only for x64 linux with docker installed. But the original WRP was already prepared to cross compile to multiple targets, so I made a release with all the platforms available which includes, Windows, Mac or Linux on a RasPi, there you can start the apps directly. You might need some additional packages though, for example a current Google Chrome / Chromium Browser browser must be installed.
A new version of AmiFox is ready for release, I fixed some more bugs the last days. The 0.3 Version is a big step forward for usability of AmiFox. Most of these features I already introduced in the blog entries here so just a short recap.
Copy Text from selected webpage (AmiFox-Server 0.2+)
Copy Clipboard from Server (AmiFox-Server 0.2+)
IFF Format (AmiFox-Server 0.2+)
send longer texts to page (needs texteditor.mcc)
Mouse wheel support
Shift cursor up/down send as Page up/Down (AmiFox-Server 0.2+)
Error message when Datatype could not load image
send Youtube URLs to AmiTube
send Google Maps and OpenStreetmap positions to Mapparium
AROS Version atm i386 and 64bit ABIv11
Read URL at Mouse position
direct download of catched URL at mouse position
save Webpage Image
Copy/Paste URL
Downloads as always on the AmiFox Page or with the Update check inside AmiFox.
If you using an own AmiFox Server please note that you must update to the latest Version to get all the Features, The Current Version should have the Version Number „AmiFox-Server 0.3“ visible in the AmiFox about (after at least one page was loaded) or in the footer of the AmiFoxServer webpage, next to the WRP Version number.
A new release of AmiTube is ready. The biggest enhancement is the Search by ID window for easier handling of YouTube URLs.
A second improvement is the self made AREXX Port for AROS which make it possible to send URLs from AmiFox to AmiTube when you are on a Youtube Video page. (all other platforms had it before already)
Bugfix for Get Original Window when no entry is selected
Search by ID Window added for easier URL handling
Support for Youtube shorts (movies in portait format)
I was browsing around in the old sources of WRP, how it was in older Releases, and I found an interesting point, in the beginning they tried the same as me. To gather all the links on the page with their position and sent it back as map to the client. So they gave me a handy example source how to achieve that with the headless chrome. so I build a routine which takes coordinates and sends back the URL if the coordinates are on a link. And I put that into AmiFox. But for that of course I need a Version detection because older versions or the official WRP can’t do that.
Now this works rather nicely, still thinking if I should do that always and out in the original answer html, but then it will be huge for most webpages. Atm I like this more dynamic way more, I also cache them in AmiFox so if it knows already once the position it will not ask again for these positions.
To use that besides the little text in the status bar I added a Context menu with „Download Link“ and that it no looks that empty also a „save image“ function, which just copies the temp image to an other location. Little demonstration, as usual.
I made a little instructional video about the Size and color settings in AmiFox. The size settings is exactly like that in AmiFox 0.2 already. The IFF-ILBM Setting is new for AmiTube 0.3 (join the discord to try a beta version of it) but some of the color settings already exist when you choose GIF, but of course IFF-ILBM will be much better because it is basically the native format for Amiga (images saved as bitplanes)
I worked a bit on AmiTube, I guess soon we can make a new release. For the next release I improved the handling of shorts and lists. Added a special window where one can paste a youtube URL into and it extracts the IDs from it.
A big problem with shorts is that they are saved in portrait mode means the height is much bigger than the width. until now I always only scaled by the width. I worked nicely for the small sizes, OCS and AGA but failed spectacular for AGA+. So now I read out the sizes from the move and scale differently when there is a portrait video. On that I notice that the agablaster has a curious restriction, the CDXL movie must be at least 128 pixels wide. is that a general restriction in CDXL or just for agablaster? I’m not sure.
Also the VCD-MPEG1 showed some strange effects because it tried to scale it, resulting in fat faces, no I added a padding.
Before the release is after the release. Of course, now that the first version of AmiFox is released I think about how to improve it for the next release. One wish I heard some time was to copy text from webpages. Which got me thinking, you can select texts with the click and drag feature I introduced, so it should be possible to copy these texts as well.
Also there are this neat javascript buttons which copy a text into the clipboard (like gitlab has for the URL of the repository) would be also nice to catch this contents. (btw. github had in the past such button, but now they replaced it and it also does not work in my regular webbrowser, so no wonder it also does not work in AmiFox)
And after some playing around I got a way to catch the selected text as well as the clipboard contents. This btw. is a bit strange you have to execute a javascript for the chrome browser to get it, strange but works.
Finally after 4 alpha version and 6 beta versions we (McDope, Amix and me) think AmiFox, a new browser for classic Amiga, is ready for it’s first release. This is Version 0.2 so one can see it’s still in development and many things to improve but I guess many people want to try how it works. And we can test how the server behave under heavier load than in the beta tests.
There is a special page for AmiFox where you can download the program.