Docking on Amiga
I’m playing with docker and how to put Free Pascal for Amiga Systems and even Lazarus inside a docker container. Works quiet nicely with the latest FPC (3.2.0) and Lazarus (2.0.10), sadly there are some bugs in the published MUI interface for Lazarus, or better left overs of old Free Pascal inconsistencies between the Amiga flavors. I fixed them in FPC but did forget to remove the workarounds in the LCL. So I had to patch the official LCL. Must also check them in the official repository. Sadly the OS4 the LCL compile does not work at all, something wrong with the resource stuff, so I removed it for now. I will look into it later. So still some stuff to work on.
To actually use the Lazarus IDE I also installed a VNC server and hence also a small as possible window manager, I played around with some simple one, most old simple window managers are very annoying (e.g. twm) but icewm seems to be nice (looks like Java though).
And why docker? It’s much easier to keep the software up to date and there are automatically running scripts to create, modify and start them. But there are some drawbacks. The first compilation of a LCL program for any Amiga-style system will need a long time (as seen in the video), because it will compile the whole LCL. This will happen for every start of the docker container. This is good to have a clean compilation of LCL (especially when developing on the actual LCL) but a bit annoying when only compile simple programs. There should be some ways around it. But for now for me that’s good enough.
If you want to try it out: CrossAmigaLazarus
Hi ALB42,
Thank you for you work in world amiga.
I want ask you:
* why your docker don’t compile software for AmigaOS4.1
* it’s possible change resolution
* There is some problem with the LCL resource linking, I’m not sure whats the problem, need to investigate a bit deeper. Even you could compile for OS4 normal no-nLCL program I did not want to keep such broken thing inside, so keep and eye out for updates.
* eh, yes, thats the reason I supplied the extra starterscript for the VNC Server, to be able to configure, look into the „startvnc“ script, it should be self explanatory.