Copy, Paste, Action!
Next thing about Leu was the clipboard, originally I only planed to make a simple solution, where only the texts get copied. But when I thought about, the Amiga clipboard is perfect to use as multiformat clipboard, as windows has. The clipboard on Amiga systems is in principle just a IFF file and there you can put in everything you want. You can put in a Text (e.g. IFF-FTXT) or an Image (e.g. IFF-IILBM) or a sound (e.g. IFF_8SVX). And because IFF is tag based its also possible to put more then one format at the time into.
So I started to write a own clipboard routine for Leu, which takes the selected cells and put them to Clipboard as OpenOffice XML (like the ods file) and as standard text as tab separated list.
And this works rather nicely as you can see:
I also added a little requester to set the number of Cols and Rows
If you want to download the latest version go to the Leu Page
I like this clipboard support!
By the way 0.07 uses Amiga-L twice.
The style guide says:
Open and Close, not
Load and Save.
So without Close (Quit=Close) you have Open and Save.