Borders and stuff
To get a little bit away from the converting business, which is a bit boring to be honest, I started with some basic formatting options in the GUI. Font and alignment are rather easy, just some buttons which set the property of the all selected cells. A little bit more complicated are the border settings, especially because there you need a special input element.
I tried with buttons but it took very much space and the names on them are not really useful. Like in usual spreadsheet applications it is better to just show the result with a little graphic. It’s the first time I used the TMUIBitmap object, very handy and easy to use.
Besides that I created a combobox like element, when you click onto the button a new borderless window open with the different border buttons inside and if you select one, or click somewhere else the window automatically close again. Not very difficult with the MUIClass-system.
Just a little video to show the status:
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