MUIIDE Menu loading / saving
Back to topic, after this little Vampire excursion, I continued working on MUIIDE especially the loading and saving, atm. I just save/load a project file which is a simple XML very easy for Trees to handle in XML and also can save nearly every content. But of course with this it will be not possible to export the source code and reload it to add an additional item… especially if you changed the source. It will be very difficult to make that happen, of course Lazarus does this… but Lazarus is a code monster difficult to dig out how this is done and maybe thats even not transferable to my code. I’m not sure what to do here.
Loading and saving for the properties is already finished and working well, but at this position I noticed that I did the eventhandler keeping wrong this way I can not save them to the project file, seems need some more thinking.
After that is finished I will try to add class properties, like Menu (Window), List (on a ListView) and so on Also thinking about to make the project multi window compatible, so that it really can hold the complete application not just a window, then the root of my Tree should be application and not Window.
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