MUI GUI Editor

Posted by ALB42 on 16. Februar 20188 Comments

My MUIClass implementation is already rather advanced, the basic items are implemented, most of them are even tested and documentation. With this tools you can already write rather easily MUI GUIs but it would be even nicer to use a GUI to create it (especially because on some fields I’m not completely sure how this influence the final result). Already long time before I had some concepts for that in my Head but with the plain MUI classes and my little MUI knowledge thats just too difficult. Now with the MUIClasses and my increased knowledge when writing them 😉 it is possible. The Basic functionality of adding Stuff and changing properties are already there, all completely abstract (via FreePascal RTTI), so I do not need to implement every field for it by hand.

A little demonstration:

For now I only added some basics (Button, String, Text, Group) But the rest is rather the same. There is still much thinking to do with the advanced classes like ListView and so on (how to connect the List to ListView) and EventHandlers but this should be solvable. Also the Source export is not implemented until now, because I’m not completely sure which way I choose.
Basically there are two ways. The first one is more or less like Lazarus does it: The properties you set in the IDE are written to a resource file and without seeing them in the final sourcecode they are streamed to the objects on creation. If I choose that way I would not use resources (because Amiga68k still have no support for it) but maybe an include with a xml/json text which describes the GUI. This way has also the advantage that it is easier to read it back later (if you reopen the file in the IDE again).

The second way would be like fpGUI does, the IDE produces the complete Source to set the properties in the Source code. (with some helper comments to find them back when you reopen it). Advantage much easier to implement on the Saving Side, Disadvantage the Loading part can be very tricky if the User changed the Sources somehow. Still to decide, but so many other problems before that appear so no worry. 😛

8 comments to "MUI GUI Editor"

  1. Chain-Q sagt:

    I might add internal resources for Amiga just for this! 😉

  2. Develin sagt:

    Looking good =)

  3. mmartinka sagt:


  4. Andi sagt:

    Keep going please.

  5. Very, very nice. Keep on the great work. Looking forward to follow this project.

  6. Stephane Richard sagt:

    Great work. Way to go.

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