AmiTube audio only formats
Some people asked me (email and also here on the page) if it is possible to get the YouTube audio as MP3 or other Amiga-friendly formats, usually in the audio formats provided by YouTube are rather modern, mostly „mp4a“ and „opus“ (there are some older videos with different settings) both are too recent to be supported on a m68k Amiga. But you can use that to create your MP3 (or just any format you want) with it.
Download an Audio only with mp4a-codec and download that.

then use FFMpeg to convert that to an MP3
ffmpeg -i sypvsspy.m4a dh1:spyvsspy.mp3
then wait a while 😉 done. You have your video as MP3, works great with Delitracker for example.

And from there you can get to any format you want, I guess, also 8svx for example. The old FFMpeg available for Amiga is not capable of saving 8svx but there should be some tools to make an 8svx from an MP3 (even Delitracker can do that, with the Filesave noteplayer).
Have fun.
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