Raycasting mirror floor
With normal raycasting the floor and ceiling looks kinda boring (like in Wolfenstein), I was trying to introduce texture mapping floor but it was always too slow for my 030 Amiga. New Idea some easy reflection effect should be easy to make and not eat much resources. an voila.
I proudly (?, more present in shame) present the most ugly and nasty reflection like floor.

Also introduced push-able block and switches on the floor, when you move the blocks over it the block changes the color. In principle one could make a sokoban like game with this mechanic, just in 3D, would be much harder to solve, especially if you do not have the map 😉
As always the download with source (still a single file 😉 ) Raycaster3 (source + exe compiled for m68k-amiga 68020+68882, OS3.0+)
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