Installer Amiga 68k

Posted by ALB42 on 15. Dezember 20192 Comments

As mentioned yesterday the 68k Amiga Installer needed a little bit more work, but now it is working nicely the same way as the other two.

In the video the customized Option selection is shown.

Next I will test the MorphOS installer again and try to make an own Installer for AROS. Thats a little bit tricky because of the Package system they use, which is nice but no support for it in the Installer as far as I can see. Path and assigns are not added to user-startup but should be made via a Package-Startup file, in the folder and a text file in the Envarc: pointing to this Package-Startup File. I did this already for the AROS install process but not with the Install tool.

2 comments to "Installer Amiga 68k"

  1. polluks sagt:

    There’s something strange if I compile online,
    I don’t know how to set the verbosity as directive.
    Compilation for Amiga 68k resulted in Errors:

    Free Pascal Compiler version 3.1.1 [2018/01/24] for m68k
    Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others
    Target OS: Commodore Amiga
    Compiling /daten/webpage/home/passtore/amigafYTHCQ.pas
    amigafYTHCQ.pas(346,51) Note: Values in enumeration types have to be ascending
    amigafYTHCQ.pas(19627,16) Note: Local variable „AllocElementType“ is assigned but never used
    amigafYTHCQ.pas(19628,5) Note: Local variable „NumAllocElements“ is assigned but never used
    amigafYTHCQ.pas(23719,5) Note: Local variable „NumAllocElements“ is assigned but never used
    amigafYTHCQ.pas(23953,22) Note: Local variable „AllocElementType“ is assigned but never used
    amigafYTHCQ.pas(29262,3) Note: Local variable „NumAllocTypes“ not used
    Assembling madpascal
    Error: Error while assembling exitcode 1
    Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping
    Fatal: Compilation aborted

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