The Dragon can fly
I tried to run MUIMapparium on the Draco, but sadly it does not work, mostly it just freezes on start, sometimes it starts but the PNG images are distorted. Seems the PNG Reader has some problems on the Draco, it’s a little bit strange. I while before I created a MUIMapparium using Datatypes instead of the FreePascal PNG reader and do not use CyberGraphics functions anymore, but plain graphics library function. Therefore it also works on a standard AGA Amiga.
And this Version also works on the Draco, it’s really only the PNG image reader which has some problems, maybe I should debug this and really think about to move the Datatype MUIMapparium to the standard option, the only problem with that, you need a good PNG Datatype installed to have it working. WarpPNG for best results, but most do not have that I guess
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