Freepascal 3.0 release
As you might notice the freepascal 3.0 stable release is out. This is the first stable release includes AROS as a „fully supported target„. I created a binary release of this 3.0.1 stable freepascal for i386-aros. It only includes the compiler, FP-IDE and freepascal packages: RTL, FCL and AROS library units. (So no FPGUI, LCL and so on) It’s mainly needed to compile the trunk version as starting compiler. For real life coding the trunk version is a much better choice, because it has some more bufixes and new functions inside. The binary archive can be downloaded at the FPC-AROS Page.
Binary stable releases for Amiga and MorphOS will be created by ChainQ I guess.
Any news on LCL for MorphOS?
if you check the commits for my Lazarus Repository you will notice that I make already some preparation for it. In fact after this finding its working already rather nicely, just it crashes often on application end. I’m not a specialist on MorphOS neither on MUI and I have no idea why it crashes (it seems also not an obvious error, since the MUI-experts also have no idea what wrong). So its not really ready to bake a Version together but I’m still working on it.