MorphOS Greetings from Hong Kong
I’m currently on travel in Hong Kong, China and South Korea. I bought a PowerBook to take with me as my only Computer (+ mobile phone of course). The plan was to work a little bit on the free time on the MUIIDE and try MorphOS on the daily use.
Now some time is passed and it worked rather nicely. I had some problems in China to connect to the WLAN access point (it somehow worked but very slow). I switched to mobile phone 3G/4G WLAN sharing (iPhone) to MorphOS which works nicely. In South Korea and Hong Kong the WLAN in Hotel works flawlessly. Now it’s common that every Hotel room has it’s own WLAN access point in the room. If you often switch the Network it’s a little bit trouble, because sometimes the Network will go down when then WLAN disappears but will not come up again if it appears again (or an other known one). Even go to Network settings and force to the new WLAN does not help, but after a Restart of the Computer everything is fine.
Basically that’s the only problem I noticed, everything else works nicely. listing music with Digital Audio Player, Check emails via OWB or SimpleMail, Check my servers via SSH, Watch movies with MPlayer (via from USB Stick) writing code with Scribble, compile with FPC 😉 handle git with MoGit and git, surf Web with OWB (shows nicely chinese characters) and of course write this Article with image upload ;-). Overall not bad certainly daily use compatible for my usecases.
hi nice machine, your blog is quite cool !
MorphOS and Free Pascal while on holidays. I approve. 😉
WOW – enjoy your stay and MorpOS with fpc 🙂
Cool Blog man !
Greetings from my guest house in Chiba near Tokyo, as well 🙂
Looks like you had a great holiday =)