MoGit – a git log viewer for MorphOS
I try to write natively my MUIClass on MorphOS these days. I will go on a travel for some days and will get my PowerBook with MorphOS with me to continue coding in the free time. That git is available for MorphOS makes it much easier to transfer the code to it (and track/commit and so on). But I’m very spoiled by Tortoise on Window and RabbitVCS on Linux to operate repositories (mostly svn but also some git) so I really miss some features here, most of all the easy checking of the log and see which files are changed and what was changed in the commit.
Today I wrote a little utility to help me with that, just showing the git log, and the changed files which you can double click, and the diff is shown in the Scribble (which has Highlighting for diff files, nice)
A little Demonstration:
Took me around two hours to write it 😉 I really like my new MUIClass package (and FreePascal) the most of it I was reading git manual pages (omg so many options). So it’s just a quick and dirty program but if someone is interested: MoGit Download. It needs the current git release and scribble to view the diff (both pathes can be configured with the ini file in the archive). Have fun
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