ALB goes crazy episode 9842: Linux on 68030 Amiga
To help ChainQ with the FreePascal for m68k compiler bug finding I installed a qemu-m68k on my server together with a chroot environment to let the FreePascal testsuite run. An ChainQ really found a lot of bugs. I also improved the chroot environment. The number of fails falled down from 160 to 34 which is a good value more than i386 (around 20) but better than PowerPc (around 40) 😉 already a nice achievement. But I thought it would be even cooler to start the test suite directly natively in a m68k Linux environment. (also qemu-m68k maybe has some bugs :-P) The only real hardware I have available for that is my Amiga 1200 with 68030, luckily it has a MMU so Linux will be possible. (The Amiga 600 with Vampire does have no MMU therefore Linux is not possible to use) Informations about this topic are very hard to get and most of the links are dead today. So in the end I compiled the kernel (3.16.7) on my own and created a initramfs by hand. For initial root I used the chroots debian environment I use already for the fpc tests. But systemd made me much headache, it was much easier to write a own little init script. Finally the systems boot and even the PCMCIA card works, I can SSH to that server.
The next is installing FreePascal and try to run the compilation and finally the test of course. There are some unexpected problems here. Usually the latest FPC from trunk requires the latest stable FreePascal version, that means at the moment 3.0.0 or 3.0.2 but both can’t compile the trunk because some features missing in 3.0. I tried to merge them from the trunk but failed to many things missing and not easy to identify which else should be merged. So I will use the 3.1.1 as starting compiler (and ignore the warning that this is not supported 😛 yeah I’m a real outlaw) sadly it also have some problems I have to check later. For first try I just start the testsuite with the compiler cross compiled on my other Linux (x64) computer. The testrun started today at 22:15 will it run completely and if yes how long will that need? a week? 🙂 We will see.
What PCMCIA card do you use?
It’s named Synergy 21 S21810 at Amiga I use it with cnet.device at linux it gets identified as NE2000 device.
Heh, it took a week on NetBSD 7.0 on my A1200 with a 50mhz 030 and 256mb to build perl5 from pkgsrc.
the advantage of Debian Linux: Prebuild packages 😉