FPC MorphOS LCL Release
This weekend I changed a lot in the Freepascal packages for MorphOS and Amiga. For both moved the OpenLibrary and CloseLibrary to Initialization Section and Finalization Section. This bug was the reason LCL programs always crashed on Exit on both platforms. Because this bug is now removed it worth to setup a nightly compilation of the LCL for both MorphOS and Amiga and include it into the nightly experimental Releases. At First I cared about MorphOS sadly I had to deactivate the „vlink“ as linker it seems to have problems with resources. But besides this its working fine.
So from now on Freepascal 3.1 including the latest LCL compilation can be always found at:
FPC – experimental Releases Packages
Unarchive the file, there is a folder pp with icon inside, place it where ever our want, make an assign Freepascal: to this pp folder. Add the binary folder to path: „path add Freepascal:bin/powerpc-morphos“.
Navigate to your sources and compile your program with „fpc sourcename.pas“ or if it is a Lazarus (LCL) source with „fpc projectname.lpr“. Examples for Lazarus sources usable with this LCL implementation you can find in fpc-tests/lcl.
W00t w00t w00t 🙂
Thank you very much for that ALB42.
Hope it gets noticed and brings in some fellow-shippers.