Bring it together

Posted by ALB42 on 23. Dezember 2015No Comments

Since MorphOS works rather nicely I tried to compare with Amiga 68k some more things have to be changes, especially drawing is much more difficult. AmigaOS3.x does not have the concept of RPTAG_FGColor to set directly the forground color with 24 bit values instead you have to use ObtainBestPen and so on. And there it is difficult to find out how long this Pen should stay before it can be released again. A little bit helping here is the Pen and Brush concept but for Background color and Text color its not really helping. But finally its working. But the picture looks very strange. After some testing I noticed that the GfxMove command make something strange, Even I call it with GfxMove(RastPort, 120, 130); the point is somehere in the negative region for X and Y. But Draw(RastPort, 120,130) for example work. Ok MY GfxMove call looks not like this but more like
GfxMove(RastPort, GetOffset.X + X, GetOffset.Y + Y); (Getoffset is a function which returns a TPoint) It seems that the m68k compiler have a problem with this construct because if I calculate an NX := GetOffset.X + X; and NY := GetOffset.Y + Y and then Call GfxMove(RastPort, Nx, Ny); it work. really strange. Besides it seems sometime it does not update the background and you get something like a ghost pattern hmm still much things to investigate. But for now I’m very happy that it already somehow work.


LCLTests on Amiga, MorphOS, AROS, Linux, Windows

LCLTests on Amiga, MorphOS, AROS, Linux, Windows


I compiled the two test programs Button (Source) and PaintBox (Source) on every platform I have available.

There we have:
Upper line, Left Linux, Right Windows (via Wine)
Lower line from left, AmigaOS3.9 (WinUAE), MorphOS (via VNC), AROS (Linux hosted)

All programs compiled from the same source without a single ifdef, as you can check at github. Amazing isn’t it :-D.

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