SQLite3 is landing
Worked a little bit more on the sqlite3.library for AROS to use in freepascal. Its more or less only diligent working, and take care not to mix up anything. I didn’t include all the functions only the most important until now (at least what I think is most important) until now its already 106 functions inside the library.
Now I tried some test codes… the one from fpc directly are rather boring, even less impressive than my own examplecode.
But I found a german Tutorial how to use databases in Lazarus, with some tiny changes in in Lazarus component it compiles really nicely and works as expected.
Left side Linux, Right side AROS.
Wholly guacamole with macaroni and cheese on top ! 🙂
Making good progress there ALB42.
Thank you very much for all your efforts and keeping us posted