The Light is high
The SynFacialHighlighter seems not to work on AROS, because no WideStringmanager is available, one way would be to write a Widestring manager (maybe would be good idea to do so also for the basic Freepascal implementation) or search for a different customizable highlighter. I found already one (included in Lazarus) SynUniSyn. The main problem is that this is just a very basic port from the delphi SynUniSyn and the original SynUniSyn is very hard to find (at least the original Pages are down, and sourceforge and so on are empty), so no Highlighter example files available. But I found a very old source of an editor wich have in an older repository version the sources and 311 (!!) Highlighters included.
So it works, also on AROS, maybe some tiny changes must be done, for example the C++ highlighter turns everything into uppercase. But this could be done I think, I will play a little bit with it.
Another port in impressive short time by ALB42! Thanks and keep up the good work!
small correction: it is named SynFacil ( not facial 😉 )
SynUniSyn looks even more impressive, what a great find :thumbsup: