Free Pascal IDE on Workbench 1.3
Working a little bit on the Workbench 1.x compatibility of Free Pascal compilation. A lot of important calls are missing for 1.x which makes it a bit difficult to compile the same program for OS3.x and 1.x especially all the TagList calls are missing. I implemented some of them by hand (like OpenScreenTags, OpenWindowTags) to make it a bit easier. As a test I chose the Free Pascal IDE, I do not really expect it to be usable, because of the huge DOS mode chars und FreeVision emulation, which is needed. But after some days of coding, finally it somehow works (without any changes inside of the IDE source code). In the DOS Mode emulation I changed it to be always on a own 16 color screen and always use the smaller font, everything is unchanged. so very nice.
A little video:
Sadly I still can’t upload the changes because Free Pascal is still on the move to GitLab and it’s not finished.
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