ArTorr – Torrent client for AROS i386 written in Freepascal
Today I included the multiple trackers for my torrent client, this was again rather easy… I set the time to 30 minutes to reannounce at the tracker and get updated peer list.
With this all on the list to the first possible release is done. So I started today to prepare the release, included some more debugging features (especially debugoutput to file) If someone outthere has problems I can ask them to start with the „-l“ switch and a logfile is written. Ok mostly I think its enough if I get the torrentfile which does not work, to reproduce the error, but the logfile will be helpful as well.
I decided to call it ArTorr instead of ATorrent, 1st Atorrent is so long and boring 😉 2nd its already taken for an Android Torrent client. ArTorr hmm sounds like a „Talk like a pirate“ hommage.. ARRRRTor 😉
Its version 0.01 so very first alpha version.
How to use:
Some things not implemented until now:
- UDP:// Tracker (I have no knowledge about UDP, first need some docu about the torrent UDP)
- Seeding (Will be the next task on my list)
- GUI, its just a very simple GUI atm, more for debugging, still LCL, will be the point after seeding is done
- Choose Output directory (because thats also GUI)
- all advanced Bittorent extensions (not that important I would say, but maybe funny to learn some new technics) includes also magnet links, http downloads and so on.
- more than one .torrent file at once (this I’m not sure I will include at all, in principle the program could also stay as a one torrent client, if you have two, start the program two time)
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